The Great Crossing of the French Alps by bike

From 1310€

With LaRébenne

From the shores of Lake Geneva to the beaches of Nice, you cross the entire French Alps from north to south by road bike. You'll follow the legendary routes of the Tour de France and pass through some of the most beautiful Alpine valleys. Each turn of the wheel brings you a little closer to the Mediterranean, through an extraordinary variety of landscapes. You leave the lush green landscape of the Haute Savoie and Maurienne regions behind, and head for the peaks of the Briançonnais. Then, through the Queyras, you glimpse the Mercantour, and finally the beaches of the Mediterranean coast and the Promenade des Anglais.


  • Duration: 8 days 7 nights, including 7 days of cycling
  • Level: Very difficult
  • Dates and periods: June to September
  • 2 possible formulas:
    - For individual registrations: free with logistician and assistance vehicle, in hotels, with defined departure dates: 1395€/person
    - For groups of minimum 6 people: free with luggage porterage by cabs, in hotels, free departure date: 1310€/person


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